EP: 24 – Guno Park


Guno Park was born in Seoul, Korea, raised in Toronto, Canada and currently lives in Brooklyn, NY. He has a diploma in Classical Animation from Sheridan College, a BFA in Drawing & Painting from Ontario College of Art and Design and obtained his MFA at the New York Academy of Art in 2011. Since then, he has been exhibiting internationally, creating drawings for various projects and teaching drawing courses in New York City. Guno has a passion for drawing and education, with deep interests in nature and social realism. His work hangs in many private and public collections and has been widely published for editorial, educational and commercial projects.

I use pen and paper to draw the things around me. I draw everyday because it is pure fun. I love making things up from my head and re-creating the things I observe in my surroundings. I draw to progress, to improve and to clarify my existence.

I always have a sketchbook within reach to capture the fleeting moments of people, nature and other surroundings that I find beautiful and intriguing. I find inspiration through people in the city, situations I witness and conversations I have with others. My materials I draw with are simple everyday tools; pen on paper. I prefer theses mediums for its immediacy, accessibility and permanence. The unforgiving nature of the pen makes me look closer at the subject, paying closer attention to each line I am making

Guno's website

Guno's Instagram


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Season 2Tun Myaing